Monday, January 25, 2010

State of the Union - We, the People's Perspective

Unfortunately we became too exuberant too soon with the election of Scott Brown. These crooks are stalling seating him so they can pass their ObamaCare and Cap & Trade bills knowing that they are doing it despite the will of the people. That is tyrannical, dictatorial and violates the spirit of the Constitution and Representative Government! Those responsible and behind this plan have to be charged with abuse of power, unseated even before their terms expire, and thoroughly investigated. There is a terrible conspiracy afoot to impose a Fascist State, a dictatorship, upon the American People by an oligarchy, an elite, that apparently has no regard or use for the Laws they swore to uphold. We have suffered a "bloodless" coup in the 2008 election! Most of the people who voted for Obama and this Administration no longer agree with what this Congress or administration are in fact doing. They are implementing Hugo Chavez's strategy of using Democratic elections to get into power so that once in power, they can take absolute control of the country and in Obama's words: "fundamentally Change it!" This is not the change the people imagined in their worst nightmares. Instead, this elite have no problem talking down to We the People by saying: "Oh, the People don't know what's good for them." Well, We the People Do in fact know what is good for us. We know that we want to continue having Free Choice and the Opportunity to achieve whatever we set out to do without interference from the Government. That is our Constitutional Right! We have certain inalienable rights granted to us by our Creator: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (formerly property). The problem with these people is that they are Post Darwinian and since they don't believe in a Creator, they believe that they can be self appointed to take the place of said Creator to dictate our rights according to their whims! Well, this is precisely why the colonies broke away from the King of England. Our Founding Fathers warned us about allowing an elite to arise with monarchy-like powers. Our checks and balances failed us this time only because both houses and the executive branch are controlled not only by the same party, but by an ideology that grew out of Darwinian thinking and which believes that the Law of the Land, the Constitution, is an anachronism! Their intention is to so fundamentally change it, that in effect, what they would have accomplished if they got their way, would be to totally shred it and relegate it to the Permanent File!
ObamaCare is not about Health Care and that's why they are trying to impose it on us and break our medical system so that it will be irreversibly and irretrievably broken. Their plan is to use it to implement their strategy of "social engineering" by using eugenics to determine who does or doesn't procreate or get born, which down the road will probably be used to deny some people marriage licenses, force sterilization on others and abort those fetuses they deem undesirable according to their standards --- and to implement euthanasia at the end of life so most of us will die sooner, leaving only those who are strong and healthy to serve them as quasi slaves in a kind of serfdom because of the debt they are creating to enslave us with. Only those of enormous wealth will be able to benefit from the medical wonders to prolong their lives to live 100+ years. The rest of us will be doomed to die at a much earlier age as a result of delay or denial of service with cost considerations as a pretext!
Even though the people of Massachusetts resoundingly voted against the ObamaCare bill by electing Scott Brown, this Congress is proceeding on the bill and using the Secretary of State as a stall tactic to delay seating him until they are done.
I'm calling for an army of Constitutional Lawyers to take on the corruption and the conspiracy of Pelosi and her cronies to stop what is going on in D.C. now, before it is too late.
It is not the entire Congress, but only an element within, the Progressives, who have hijacked the entire U.S. Government and what they are doing is TREASON! They can try and interpret and twist whatever they want to bend the laws for their nefarious objectives! The one thing they cannot deny, however, is that they were voted in as Representatives of the People and when the people of their respective States have spoken out in protest that they do not want them to do what they are about to do, they have to listen, or let's get recall petitions out on all of those responsible for this blatant abuse of power and of their offices. I seriously doubt that men in our police forces, national guard, or armies will carry out the orders that violate our Constitution against our own people when we charge them with abuse of power and attempt to recall them within the framework of the Laws of this land and of the Constitution. The question then arises whether the ultimate high treason was not committed by Obama himself by giving authority of Interpol without accountability to any American entities, agencies, courts, etc. to take action within our borders for whatever reason. Is this element within the American administration about to commit treason against the people of this country by calling in foreign forces against the people and is that in itself not a violation to the highest degree of our Constitution?
As law abiding citizens of this country, we must demand that all of this cease immediately and that the U.S. Constitution must be upheld and enforced even if it means calling into question the highest office in the land. After all, this is precisely what the people in Honduras were forced to do to prevent having their country fall into the hands of one of Chavez' cronies to establish a Venezuelan style dictatorship in their country! And let us not forget that our own State Department and Secty. of State Clinton chose to side with Zelaya against the Honduran people! I immediately saw a red flag then. Was that because this rogue element within our government did not want to establish a precedent of condemning precisely what they intended and planned to do here?
I have many questions about what is going on here! At this point, I believe that it is time for the media, our intelligence community, our Constitutional Lawyers and our patriotic Representatives on both sides of the aisle, both those who are suffering from this rogue element within their own party and who rather than confront them are either taking early retirements or switching parties to escape the coersion and threats that are going on between closed doors, as well as Judgest unite into a force to carry out the will of the people to return immediately to Constitutional Government, to the law of the land as handed down to us by our Founding Fathers and to root out of our midst those who obviously perjured themselves when they took their oaths of office! For the sake of the people, the children and future generations of this great land, for the sake of the Liberty and Freedom our forefathers fought and died for, let the law of the land be enforced now and let those responsible for this horrendous mess and this coup be brought to task and be held accountable! Let this be a "Soft Revolution" guided by rational human beings within the framework of the law. We must not allow these traitors of provoking the people by flying in their face with edicts and mandates meant to enslave them --- for I fear that by defying the will of the people in such a blatant manner, they will so enrage the masses that there will be dire consequences that none of us want! While there is still time, I am begging that those within Congress stop defying the will of the people and stop behaving like a bunch of dictators. The people are not for this tyranny! Do not attempt to pass any legislation until Scott Brown is seated and do not delay seating him in order to have a window to sneak anything through. The People have Spoken through their vote! The people are watching! Let me remind those in Washington that they are there to govern by consent of the governed as representatives of the will of the people within their districts and not to rule over them trying to shove legislation down their throats despite their protests and in open defiance of their vote! The U.S. for over 2 centuries has been the most stable government in the world thanks to our Constitution and the work of our Founding Fathers. I am asking those responsible for this mess to sober up from their drunken stupor --- for it is obvious to the people that they have become drunk on their power and the money! I have seen countries fall from Democracy to Anarchy and end up in a dictatorship. Don't allow the U.S. to become another Venezuela or worse! If G-d forbid, the U.S. falls, the entire globe will fall back into a new Dark Age and generations will be born into a life worse than hell!

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