Monday, January 25, 2010

State of the Union - We, the People's Perspective

Unfortunately we became too exuberant too soon with the election of Scott Brown. These crooks are stalling seating him so they can pass their ObamaCare and Cap & Trade bills knowing that they are doing it despite the will of the people. That is tyrannical, dictatorial and violates the spirit of the Constitution and Representative Government! Those responsible and behind this plan have to be charged with abuse of power, unseated even before their terms expire, and thoroughly investigated. There is a terrible conspiracy afoot to impose a Fascist State, a dictatorship, upon the American People by an oligarchy, an elite, that apparently has no regard or use for the Laws they swore to uphold. We have suffered a "bloodless" coup in the 2008 election! Most of the people who voted for Obama and this Administration no longer agree with what this Congress or administration are in fact doing. They are implementing Hugo Chavez's strategy of using Democratic elections to get into power so that once in power, they can take absolute control of the country and in Obama's words: "fundamentally Change it!" This is not the change the people imagined in their worst nightmares. Instead, this elite have no problem talking down to We the People by saying: "Oh, the People don't know what's good for them." Well, We the People Do in fact know what is good for us. We know that we want to continue having Free Choice and the Opportunity to achieve whatever we set out to do without interference from the Government. That is our Constitutional Right! We have certain inalienable rights granted to us by our Creator: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (formerly property). The problem with these people is that they are Post Darwinian and since they don't believe in a Creator, they believe that they can be self appointed to take the place of said Creator to dictate our rights according to their whims! Well, this is precisely why the colonies broke away from the King of England. Our Founding Fathers warned us about allowing an elite to arise with monarchy-like powers. Our checks and balances failed us this time only because both houses and the executive branch are controlled not only by the same party, but by an ideology that grew out of Darwinian thinking and which believes that the Law of the Land, the Constitution, is an anachronism! Their intention is to so fundamentally change it, that in effect, what they would have accomplished if they got their way, would be to totally shred it and relegate it to the Permanent File!
ObamaCare is not about Health Care and that's why they are trying to impose it on us and break our medical system so that it will be irreversibly and irretrievably broken. Their plan is to use it to implement their strategy of "social engineering" by using eugenics to determine who does or doesn't procreate or get born, which down the road will probably be used to deny some people marriage licenses, force sterilization on others and abort those fetuses they deem undesirable according to their standards --- and to implement euthanasia at the end of life so most of us will die sooner, leaving only those who are strong and healthy to serve them as quasi slaves in a kind of serfdom because of the debt they are creating to enslave us with. Only those of enormous wealth will be able to benefit from the medical wonders to prolong their lives to live 100+ years. The rest of us will be doomed to die at a much earlier age as a result of delay or denial of service with cost considerations as a pretext!
Even though the people of Massachusetts resoundingly voted against the ObamaCare bill by electing Scott Brown, this Congress is proceeding on the bill and using the Secretary of State as a stall tactic to delay seating him until they are done.
I'm calling for an army of Constitutional Lawyers to take on the corruption and the conspiracy of Pelosi and her cronies to stop what is going on in D.C. now, before it is too late.
It is not the entire Congress, but only an element within, the Progressives, who have hijacked the entire U.S. Government and what they are doing is TREASON! They can try and interpret and twist whatever they want to bend the laws for their nefarious objectives! The one thing they cannot deny, however, is that they were voted in as Representatives of the People and when the people of their respective States have spoken out in protest that they do not want them to do what they are about to do, they have to listen, or let's get recall petitions out on all of those responsible for this blatant abuse of power and of their offices. I seriously doubt that men in our police forces, national guard, or armies will carry out the orders that violate our Constitution against our own people when we charge them with abuse of power and attempt to recall them within the framework of the Laws of this land and of the Constitution. The question then arises whether the ultimate high treason was not committed by Obama himself by giving authority of Interpol without accountability to any American entities, agencies, courts, etc. to take action within our borders for whatever reason. Is this element within the American administration about to commit treason against the people of this country by calling in foreign forces against the people and is that in itself not a violation to the highest degree of our Constitution?
As law abiding citizens of this country, we must demand that all of this cease immediately and that the U.S. Constitution must be upheld and enforced even if it means calling into question the highest office in the land. After all, this is precisely what the people in Honduras were forced to do to prevent having their country fall into the hands of one of Chavez' cronies to establish a Venezuelan style dictatorship in their country! And let us not forget that our own State Department and Secty. of State Clinton chose to side with Zelaya against the Honduran people! I immediately saw a red flag then. Was that because this rogue element within our government did not want to establish a precedent of condemning precisely what they intended and planned to do here?
I have many questions about what is going on here! At this point, I believe that it is time for the media, our intelligence community, our Constitutional Lawyers and our patriotic Representatives on both sides of the aisle, both those who are suffering from this rogue element within their own party and who rather than confront them are either taking early retirements or switching parties to escape the coersion and threats that are going on between closed doors, as well as Judgest unite into a force to carry out the will of the people to return immediately to Constitutional Government, to the law of the land as handed down to us by our Founding Fathers and to root out of our midst those who obviously perjured themselves when they took their oaths of office! For the sake of the people, the children and future generations of this great land, for the sake of the Liberty and Freedom our forefathers fought and died for, let the law of the land be enforced now and let those responsible for this horrendous mess and this coup be brought to task and be held accountable! Let this be a "Soft Revolution" guided by rational human beings within the framework of the law. We must not allow these traitors of provoking the people by flying in their face with edicts and mandates meant to enslave them --- for I fear that by defying the will of the people in such a blatant manner, they will so enrage the masses that there will be dire consequences that none of us want! While there is still time, I am begging that those within Congress stop defying the will of the people and stop behaving like a bunch of dictators. The people are not for this tyranny! Do not attempt to pass any legislation until Scott Brown is seated and do not delay seating him in order to have a window to sneak anything through. The People have Spoken through their vote! The people are watching! Let me remind those in Washington that they are there to govern by consent of the governed as representatives of the will of the people within their districts and not to rule over them trying to shove legislation down their throats despite their protests and in open defiance of their vote! The U.S. for over 2 centuries has been the most stable government in the world thanks to our Constitution and the work of our Founding Fathers. I am asking those responsible for this mess to sober up from their drunken stupor --- for it is obvious to the people that they have become drunk on their power and the money! I have seen countries fall from Democracy to Anarchy and end up in a dictatorship. Don't allow the U.S. to become another Venezuela or worse! If G-d forbid, the U.S. falls, the entire globe will fall back into a new Dark Age and generations will be born into a life worse than hell!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What does being a Progressive mean?

Michael LeCornec
Jan 21, 2010
I've had a few people contact me lately concerning my use of the term “Progressive” when referring to the extreme left wing of both the Democrat and Republican parties. President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and many others are now using this term to describe their political ideology. What does it represent? In a word: Socialism. The progressive movement in the United State was always a move toward Socialism and a redefining of the governmental structure of America. The movement was derailed when the true tenets of the movement were exposed. The term Progressive was replaced with the term Liberal and the movement learned that to succeed, it needed to operate in a “stealth” manner and to “disguise” what it really represents. Now that the true agenda of the term “Liberal” was exposed, they turn again to Progressive to describe themselves.

This Progressive Movement is responsible for moving the US government structure away from a Constitutional Republic into a Democracy and then into Fascism, and now into Socialism with the intent to move us into Transnationalism, the one world government. To achieve the latter the free market system must be destroyed, the banking system restructured under the Central Bank (The FED), and an economic collapse designed to remove this nation (and world) off the dollar standard. Any of this sound familiar yet?

It is no accident that during the “lame duck” period of the Bush Presidency a level 5 crisis needed to be elevated into a Level 10 Catastrophe that needed immediate and dramatic action. This was once stuff of conspiracy theory but now, due to the emergence of a “Perfect Storm” (1) A Marxist President armed with extreme left wing Radicals and unions to “strong arm” elements of our structure to comply with radical change to the very infrastructure of the government; (2) A House of Representatives lead by Marxist Nancy Pelosi, and; (3) A US Senate led by Marxist Harry Reid, both of whom will do whatever needs to be done to “checkmate” the United States into its “Fundamental Transformation.” The Perfect Storm was the opportunity to create a Catastrophic Crisis and put the fundamental transformation of America afoot. Everything was rush-rush because this first term of Obama was designed as the “Check-mate” moves for the “End of Liberty” and the end of the United States as we know it.

Now we see why passing Healthcare is so vital to this movement. The bills contains the fundamental transformation of the United States' Infrastructure for Marxism, Socialism, and Transnationalism. Didn't anyone question why the bill needed to be several thousand pages long? Didn't anyone notice why several thousand “NEW” agencies, structures and departments needed to be created? And why it really “needed” to be hidden from the public, and put together with bribes, kick-backs, back-room deals and secret pacts made in smoke-filled rooms? It was not die to abortion or any of the other lies you've been hearing. To “SELL-OUT” the country for those who do not share the same ideology was going to cost serious money.

Here's what we need to know about it today to restore our nation back to the Constitutional Republic we were created and destined to be:

Democrat Progressive = Marxism/Socialism
Republican Progressive = Fascism

It should be clear to us now why there CANNOT BE ANY HEALTHCARE REFORM.

The Massachusetts Earthquake on Tuesday the 19th was a REVOLT and a call for NO HEALTHCARE.

This Congress CANNOT BE TRUSTED to “tweak” the system and restore sanity to exuberant costs.

Now that we know what this 111th Congress is about, we need to be vigilant is seeing no more bills get signed into law. They are attacking every element of the Constitution, every element of Liberty.

What should be the role of Congress moving forward?

Congressional Hearings to expose the evil agenda and consequences to ALL those complicit. Violating the Oath of Office to uphold and defend the US Constitution is a “High Crime” that MUST have consequences.
Remove the Radical Obama Czars
Return of all TARP and Stimulus money to the Treasury (not a slush fund for more reckless spending)
NO increasing to the debt ceiling: we must cut excessive and reckless government programs that are sucking the life out of this nation
Rescind passed bills that contain a “partial” changes to the Infrastructure
Immediately remove the federal government from its unconstitutional ownership of private companies
Audit the Federal Reserve System, the entity that was responsible for the Great Depression and this current Recession that may still become a Depression.

Fellow Patriots, we have our work cut out for us. A Truth that hurts does not make it a lie. There is much that needs to be done. It's time for us all to get to the work of Restoring Our Constitutional Republic.

God Save The Republic!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Financial Armageddon and How to Prepare For It

By Sue Merriam

It's my hope this article will help you survive in the coming months. I am convinced we are headed toward a financial Armageddon in the United States, a total collapse of our currency. You won't hear this from the mainstream media or the government because they know that the more you believe in our currency, the longer it will remain stable. But your blind faith could cost you in horrendous ways.

I recently ran across one of the best explanations I've seen from John Williams with Shadow Stats. Williams has been a consulting economist for 25 years. In my condensed version, here are his reasonings why a financial Armageddon looms:

Background: Less is More

The less there is of something, the more valuable it is. That's why gold and silver have always been desired and used as money for centuries. Not only are precious metals pretty, they're also limited and you can't make them. But gold and silver are heavy, and hard to carry around. Plus, if you got robbed, you're bankrupt. So everyone started putting their gold and silver pieces in the bank and got currency notes in their place. The notes were an easier and presumably safer way to buy things.

That's how our own currency came about. We had gold and silver at Fort Knox, and if you held an American dollar that meant you had the equivalent of an ounce of silver. If you had a twenty dollar bill that meant you owned the equivalent of a little less than an ounce of gold. Believe it or not, our currency retained that value (and prices of gold and silver remained basically the same with a few variations) for more than 140 years, from 1792 until 1935, as long as we stayed on the gold standard.

The Fiat System

Things changed with the Great Depression. No one had jobs, which meant no one had the money to buy anything, causing even less business and less jobs. So Franklin Roosevelt got us off the gold standard and into a Fiat system, which meant he just printed money without any gold or silver on hand to back it. Then he used that "money" to create a ton of jobs through the WPA program. It worked, at least back then. But the dollar lost value and prices shot up and have continued climbing ever since.

Using Fiat currency is a bit like writing a hot check and hoping the guy who gets it doesn't cash it until your next paycheck comes in. The money doesn't hold value unless people believe in it. A Fiat currency system is always dangerous because eventually, whoever is in charge gets greedy and starts printing a whole lot more currency than there is actual gold on hand for personal use. The more money they print up, the less valuable it becomes, and eventually, the currency becomes worthless.

Corruption in Congress

In our case, Congress was the greedy culprit. Washington lawmakers spent - and continue to spend - so much money on government programs that we are now buried in a pile of debt that couldn't be paid off even if Uncle Sam seized every penny we made in this country, including wages, salaries and corporate profits. And by the way, that total doesn't include Social Security and Medicare obligations. Those two programs alone cost more than our government brings in through taxes each year.

To pay for all this rampant spending, Congress has taken loans from other countries in the form of Treasury notes sold to foreign investors. They're not using that loan money to pay off the debt mind you; they're just using it to make the minimum interest payments. Unfortunately, foreign investors are going to wise up eventually and quit investing in the dollar. Asking foreign investors to pay our debt is a bit like that deadbeat cousin coming to you asking for a loan one too many times. Why waste good Euros on a dollar that is essentially worthless?

When that happens, our government will no longer have money to pay all that interest we owe on all those loans. They'll have to pay that debt by printing even more money and making the dollar far more worthless.

By the way, this is the same thing that happened in Germany during the thirties. By the time it was all over, the German mark was more useful as toilet paper than as currency.

Possible Here?

Not only is the same scenario possible here, but it has the potential to be far, far worse. For one thing, we've shipped most of our manufacturing overseas, meaning all those great jobs are going to foreigners. Plus, as I write this, our Congress is on the verge of passing a health reform bill we can't even begin to afford. The only way our government will be able to pay for all that is by - you guessed it - printing more money.

So What Will Happen?

First of all, we'll all run out of cash - literally. There's just not enough currency printed up to cover skyrocketing prices. Most of our currency is overseas. We only have about $200 billion in cash here for the 304 million people living in the U.S. That's 690 dollars per person. Not a problem, as long as prices remain the same. But if in a short amount of time the price of a loaf of bread shoots up to $100 per loaf, it's going to be tough to buy enough groceries to feed a family of four for a week.

Big Deal! I Can Write a Check, Can't I?

That's assuming you have enough in your checking account. Most people are barely making enough to pay for rising grocery costs now, let alone enough if prices skyrocket.

What About Credit Cards?

Think about it: Most of us have a credit limit of around $5,000. If weekly grocery costs shoot from $300 to $3,000 or more, we're going to be maxing out our cards in a red hot hurry.

Plus, Store Shelves Will Empty Rapidly

Let's say I sell bacon and typically keep 100 pounds in my store. My cost is $1 a pound, so I sell it at a twenty percent markup, for $1.20 a pound. If I sell all 100 pounds, I get $120 for that bacon and keep $20 as my profit. Then suddenly inflation skyrockets, and my cost is now $20 per pound. I now have to pay $2,000 to buy that same 100 pounds, but I only have $120 in my account. If I don't have a large stash of cash on hand, I won't be able to purchase any more bacon to sell, even if I could find someone who could afford to buy it.

What About Buying Online?

I own a couple of online stores, and both demand a lot of time on the computer to maintain. For everything we sell, I have to apply for a code from Pay Pal and add it to my site. Should prices change, I have to get a code for every single item I sell. If I sell a lot of items, then it will take a lot of time - sometimes days of work - to change all the corresponding codes.

Now imagine the workload - and time it would require - if prices were to shoot up rapidly and continually for several months. There is no way I could keep up. Instead, I'd tell you to email me if you were interested in buying something. As a result, most of my sales would diminish, and you would have to wait for me to get through all my emails to get back to you.

Expect to run into similar problems buying gas from the pump and food and drinks from vending machines.

Financially Induced Famine

With no food in the stores and nothing to buy it with even if there were, expect to be unable to buy food for up to six months until our government leaders get this mess straightened out.

That's why I'm writing. Please, for the sake of your family, friends and loved ones, stock up now on foods and personal items such as diapers and toilet paper. Have enough water on hand to last you and your family for two weeks. Then buy bulk grains, dry beans and other foods that have a long shelf life. Not only will they keep you alive, but you'll also be able to barter with them.

Should the miraculous occur and we don't get runaway inflation, the worse that could happen is you end up with some extra food on hand. The peace of mind will be well worth it, so please, stock up now.

Sue Merriam is author of the website, Organic Gardening and Homesteading.

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